Posted in Interesting, Programming, Softwares

IntelliSense : a way to intelligent coding

IntelliSense is a general feature available in most code editing softwares like eclipse, MS Visual Studio used frequently by programmers all over the globe. It comes various handy and useful features of code completion, code editing, parameter info, auto-suggestion while typing like content assist, code hinting etc.

It was first created by Les Earnest in 1961 who headed the research on this budding technology, saw it necessary to include the first spell checker that accessed a list of 10,000 acceptable words.

Overall, it not only makes coding interesting as we type but assists in avoiding misspelled words, early detection of missed out braces and other syntax errors based on the current language considered for coding. Makes you and of course your code editor intelligent 🙂

Some of the IDEs or code editors with intellisense feature are Microsoft Visual studio, Atom, Sublime Text, Notepad++, Bluefish, Brackets, PhpStorm etc.


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